Good grooming is an essential French attribute. I must admit that most days my nails lack my full attention. I love getting manicures, but I can't justify the expense because I wreck the polish within a day. If I get a gel manicure, the nails look great for 2 weeks but then start to grow out and I never bother to find the time to get my nails re-done. When I read about the 10-minute manicure, I felt this could be a solution.
The author also has a YouTube channel where she publishes videos on how to do all the things that she mentions in her book. So my five-year-old daughter and I sat down to watch the manicure video. Here is that video:
I gave her a manicure (which she loved!) and then gave myself one. Her before and after pictures are a little more dramatic than mine due to her choice of nail polish:
I gave her a manicure (which she loved!) and then gave myself one. Her before and after pictures are a little more dramatic than mine due to her choice of nail polish:
I'm not really happy with the polish on mine. When I use pale pink, it always looks streaky. I'm thinking that it's the age of the polish and I just need to buy some new stuff.
Definitely a work in progress. Plus, if you look really closely, I still have some gel on the tips of my nails from a manicure I got in October. I love this home manicure though and my goal is to work it into my weekly routine.
Trés bien! I enjoyed the book very much and I'm glad you're enjoying it as well :) Au revoir!